Friday, November 2, 2012

Thoughts about happiness

Feeling of happiness comes and goes. You felt happy for getting that new phone. You felt happy when you saw something beautiful. You felt happy for getting your eyebrow pierced (I did, for a week and then I kinda forgot about it). Is there even such a thing as lasting happiness, or does it have to fade away at some point?

Zen mind, Beginner's mind

You lose that feeling of excitement and happiness, when you get used to whatever it was you did to have the feeling in the first place. Getting used to things will narrow our experience of old and new things a lot. Cultivating a beginner's mind, seeing everything like seeing it for the first time, is cultivating a child-like mind. The kind of mind that gets excited about everything. "OMG Sand!" "OMG Grass!" Feeling that is not really all that hard. Being happy is not really all that hard.

It's all in the mind

When you stop ignoring things that you are used to, you can feel like you see them for the first time. "Hey cool, this is very nice and looks so good!" When you take control - of how you feel about and react to things - with awareness you can feel a child-like happiness about anything. Look at kids playing; are they serious about anything? In their mind they make sticks into airplanes and it's awesome. Why isn't it for us? We are serious adults who think different. We have given up the mind of the child and now, when we want to search for happiness, we have no idea how to find it.

You don't have to play with sticks in your office

The only one who really knows if you're happy is you. And you can be happy in your mind without really adjusting the things you do only the things you feel. You don't have to spin around with your office chair, you can just sit on it feel "wheee" and start doing your job. And when you take a pencil in your hand you can feel "wow, you can do all sorts with this" and start writing what you were supposed to. What you feel doesn't have to manipulate what you do and get you fired. Only thing that shows is your smile. Best part is that because you are always aware of things around you and the happy feeling, it won't fade away because there is always something around us.

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